Norka Rouskaya
Russian Ballerina Norka Rouskaya and friends
by The Colca Specialist
Peruvian history is full of curious historical facts.In November we celebrate here in Peru The Day of The Dead and almost everybody goes to the cemetery to pay a visit to their beloved ones so I decided to write about a historical event that took place in Lima in those times.
Early in the morning of Sunday 4th of Novembre 1917,inside the general cemetery of Lima an insolit event happened.
On Saturday ,at 8 pm, Alejandro Ureta and Cesar Falcón payed a visit to Mr Pedro García Irigoyen who was de inspector of the cemetery in order to ask him for permission to visit the cemetery at night. They said that the russian ballet dancer Norka Rouskaya who did several presentations in Lima wanted to take some impressions of the city. Irigoyen accepted and he called the administrator of the cemetery Mr Valega to provide all the facilities.
After 1am two autos arrived to the cemetery and the visitors got inside the place and visited the main streets. When they got into the main street of the cemetery,the violinist Mr Cáceres took out its violin from its case. Some candles were light on and the ballet dancer Norka Rouskaya removed all her clothes she had on. Totally nakes she covered herself with a very transparent gray clothe and started to dance Chopin´s dead march imitaing in certain way what it was done by the french ballet dancer Isadora Duncan who danced at the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris,France.
The group of visitors was amazed with the dance but the administrator Mr Valega protested and avoided the show to continue because the permission was just for a visit.
Lima woke up the next day with the news that the cemetery had been profanated profanated. The next day the Prefect of Lima at 11am ordered all those who participated in such event to present themselves in his bureau to make clear all this situation.
The newspapers publish many articles related to this incident . The bishop of Lima and the eclesiastical authorities prepared themselves to consecrate again the cemetery because it had been profanated.
Jose Carlos Mariategui, Cesar Falcón,Juan Vargas Gamarra,Kuis Emilio León ,the violinist Mr Caceres ,Norka Rouskaya along with her mother went to the bureau of the prefect to declare and give their respective statements about the situation.
Norka Rouskaya said that it was not her intention to “profanate” the cemetery but in a moment during the visit,she felt inspired and started dancing just for some minutes impressing all the visitors gravediggers included.
She also said that that was the result of a high spiritual artistical spirit whose main intention was not to profanate the cemetery.
The Canonical laws neither the civil laws could prohibit her to dance inside the cemetery. According to the canonical laws the cemetery is only profanated when inmoral situations take place or when human blood is spilled.The penal law said the same.
In those years it was a complete scandal. Nowadays that situation would have been considered diferently.
Peruvian vedette Mariella Zanetti does a video clip inside the cemetery
The peruvian vedette Mariella Zanetti did a video clip inside the same cemetery showing all her voluptuosity.
Mariella Zanetti besides from being just a vedette now works in Risas de America as a comic actress and as a program conductor.
Mariella Zanetti has several fans in Arequipa so if you want to see the video clip it is here available.
The Colca Specialist
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