lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

V Ecosports Festival of Tres Cañones-Suykutambo 2012

Arequipenian team awarded by Autocolca

by the Colca Specialist

The 29 of April the arequipenian team came back home after two days of exciting competition.

The much awaited river rafting competition between Arequipa and Cusco never took place because the judges couldn´t arrive on time to the event.That was the excuse the authorities gave to the sportsmen but as everybody knows there was an organized clearly seen boicot against the event. The lack of experience and profesionalism of the representative of the Municipality of Espinar Juan Tapia Vargas made the situation even more complicated .

The Festival continued and the people had the oportunity of enjoying intense exhibitions performed by the different teams.

The arequipenian Rafter Gustavo Rondón Alvarez and his River Rafting Team Expediciones y Aventuras did a wonderful show in the river that everybody enjoyed . Kids were the most enthusiastic during the exhibitions. The member of the River Rats Guillermo Rendon Cuadros was there also with a small raft having fun in the river.

The second day Rappeling and Zip Lining exhibitions were really impressive.

The team of Sacred Road Xtreme directed by the well known rock and mountainclimbing instructor Arcadio Mamani Viza gave a a real show to all those who were present there in The Three Canyons of Suykutambo.

Jose Arias suffered a small accident the first day in the zip lining exhibition.

The second day the team was reforced with the presence of Guillermo Rendón Cuadros,the well known Kamikaze Nitro who left the raft inside the hotel and the second day joined Arcadios Sacred Road Xtreme Team.

Everybody there was eager to see the xtreme sports champion performing his favorite crazy maneuvers.

His first jump was dedicated to his fellow Jose Arias who the previous day had an unexpected accident during the zip lining exhibition.

Jose Arias accepted the dedicatory and Guillermo Rendón “The Kamikaze Nitro” performed his favorite maneuver “The Fallen Angel” which provoked the reaction of the locals who considered the most beautiful and xtreme maneuver during the whole Festival,maneuver that was awarded by the people through an intense clapping that lasted after his landing. A picture taken by one of the spectators was chosen to prepare a souvenir poster of the event.

After the Festival all teams came back home happy of the work well done other unhappy because they were unoticed during all the festival such as the kayaking team from Calca-Cusco who were a complete dissapointement specially after all the propaganda done by their representatives.A real disaster!

In Arequipa, Autocolca awarded all the arequipenian sportmen and Dr Freddy Jimenez Rios is now organizing a sports festival in Cabanaconde, Colca Canyon and it seems that we are going to have the option of watching Guillermo Rendón performing the “fallen angel maneuver and other xtreme tricks“in the Colca Canyon! That would be great!That would be massive!

Everybody is awaiting for the press conference in order to have more details about this event that promises a lot.

Congratulations to all the participants and the Colca Specialist will be sharing with you more details about the oncoming events in Arequipa.

The Colca Specialist.

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