by the Colca Specialist
Miguel Zárate the real discoverer of Juanita the snow maiden has denounced publicly along with the directives of the tour guides association from Colca Canyon ASGUIP TUCAY the presence of a “fake” mountain climbing guides in Arequipa.
Zacarías Ocsa is the name of this “fake” mountain climbing guide who presents himself as a specialist in rescue and as a professional mountain climbing guide.
After the investigations done by the directives of ASGUIP TUCAY it was discovered that Zacarías Ocsa is not a professional mountain climbing guide neither an accredited specialist in rescue operations.
Zacarías Ocsa is just a common tour guide from Chivay, Colca Valley who is trying in different ways to become promoted. He took part as a volunteer in the search of the dead body of the Peruvian student Ciro Castillo Rojo, lost in the Bomboya area.
The “vulture” Zacarias Ocsa took advantage of the situation and he travelled to Lima offering interviews to the worst 5 cent Peruvian newspapers like “El TROME” and “OJO” which were looking for information about the dead student.In the interviews Zacarías Ocsa, the fake mountainclimbing guide narrates ridiculous stories about the dead student .The real situation is that the unethical Zacarías Ocsa wants to use this terrible situation in order to promote himself and one of his books in which he tells his theories about the death of the student Ciro Castillo Rojo.
The local tour guides association from Colca Canyon denounced that Zacarías Ocsa appears several times in different limenian newspapers as “expert mountain climbing guide” which is not true! This situation provoked the reaction of the association of local guides from Colca Canyon ASGUIP TUCAY ,association which Miguel Zárate is a member of.
The major of Caylloma province Elmer Cáceres Llica and the manager of the International Commerce and Tourism in Arequipa, Mr Luis Venero La Torre were notified about this situation by the representatives of ASGUIP TUCAY.
The situation of tourism in Arequipa is concerning. Crowded by illegal travel agencies and by illegal tour guides whose services are notoriously poor quality , arequipenian authorities need urgently to take measures in order to solve the problem.
This situation provokes by this unethical tour guide Zacarías Ocsa who wants just to become promoted thanks to the death of a student reflects the terrible situation of tourism in Arequipa whose authorities do nothing in order to put an end to informality and illegality.
The investigation continues and now the association of tour guides from Caylloma province want to know which NGOS from United States are backing up his mountain climbing projects. We are sure that ASGUIP TUCAY will discover soon the truth behind the curtains of corruption called “Tourism” in Arequipa.
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